Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Internet And Its Effect On Society - 917 Words

The internet is a cyberspace of knowledge compacted to fit in to the palm of our hands. It has the power to connect us to people across the ocean, deliver food to our homes and even help us meet the love of our lives. However, this type of power comes with a great responsibility of its own. Nowadays, the internet has become a way to target those who are gullible or those who have limited knowledge of it. The internet now has had an especially big impact when it comes to children and sexual predators and other unlawful acts such as drug and arms trafficking. It is hard to believe that it has only been about twenty years since the internet has become globally accepted. However, this new generation has become entirely dependent on the web. Because of this, it has become a debatable on whether or not this un-limitless source of knowledge should be monitored by the government. But, when it comes to government vs the people, the answer is far from simple, but still clear. The use of the i nternet is the social responsibility of each and every person using it, but to eliminate unlawful acts related to the internet altogether, the combined efforts of parents, communities and law enforcement is essential. As a society, we will discuss how the internet has played a part in addiction, influencing children, criminal activities and responsibility as a whole. Many of us, despite knowing the internet for a few parts of our lives, have decided it is just as important as the air we breathe.Show MoreRelatedThe Internet And Its Effect On Society1553 Words   |  7 PagesAbstract This research paper is about the Internet. I choose to write a Qualitative essay because the Internet has a myriad of information to speak on. Moreover, using the Qualitative research method over the Quantitative research gave me a chance to become more knowledgeable in exactly what I was writing on. It also gave me a chance to understand and become more aware of the topic to write a great essay. Additionally, when I looked at the numerical data from the Quantitative research the informationRead MoreThe Internet And Its Effect On Society1540 Words   |  7 Pagesare living in a world where the Internet has become an integral part of our everyday life. Everything is at our fingertips through the Internet: school, work, business, personal, and so forth; that our society has made its usage almost mandatory. It has made everything easier and people today cannot even imagine how their lives would be without this genre of technologies. But, we cannot expect that something as useful as the Internet will not have adversely effects in people. However, in this technologicalRead MoreThe Internet And Its Effect On Society1590 Words   |  7 PagesPoint in case, the Internet is an aspect of the 21st century that had no place in previous generations, yet occupies a percentage of time nowadays. The Internet has many positive features, yet numerous, less known harmful effects on society, affecting different age groups and parts of the population in different ways. The Internet is predominantly a catalyst for communication; communication that would otherwise have been extremely difficult or impossible to initiate. The Internet helps people stayRead MoreThe Internet And Its Effect On Society Essay1200 Words   |  5 Pagesuniversal PC s net known as Internet . Internet is essential need of young time today; youth can get by without sustenance yet can t make due without web. Above all else, Internet gives access to a considerable measure of data. Some of them are exceptionally valuable in your employment different aides in your pastime. At first web was not so conspicuous but instead after advancement in adaptable development web has wound up crucial need of people in worldwide. Internet has extended correspondenceRead MoreThe Internet And Its Effect On Society1614 Words   |  7 PagesIn today’s world, the internet is the leading source of information and the leading way of communication. Every year, technology improves, and so does society’s dependence on it. The use of the internet has made a huge impact in the society causing controversy. Social media can help people to communicate and to be in touch with their families and friends, but it can also disconnect people from reality. This can be seen in today s new generations, since children and adolescents tend to be more involvedRead MoreEffects Of The Internet On Society1767 Words   |  8 PagesThe world wide web, otherwise called the internet, came about in the 1960s and was primarily used for researchers and academia. But since the 1990s, the internet has had that revolutionary effect on the culture and commerce in our society. This includes communication by email, instant messaging, and internet phone calls. In addition, there is also the world wide web with discussion forums, social networking sites, and online shopping sites, which people, despite their generational differences, utilizeRead MoreThe Internet And Its Effect On Society3739 Words à ‚  |  15 PagesThe Internet is a debatably the most important invention that mankind has ever accomplished. Having access to everyone at any given time is something of a dream back in the past and now that it is here there is no stopping the effects it has on society. Social media, GPS, email the list goes on and on what the Internet can do, it would be a shorter list to just tell what the Internet cannot do. Having this being said businesses have felt the effects of the ever growing technology of the World WideRead MoreThe Internet And Its Effects On Society Essay1834 Words   |  8 Pagesof this common, every-day scenario, is the internet. Winston Ross, a Senior Writer for Newsweek described the internet as the following, â€Å"It is available, affordable and accessible† (Ross 3). The internet is a positive technological advancement that has contributed immensely to socialization, education and work life. Though the internet is known for being addictive and distracting, the benefits of using it far outweigh any potential risks. The internet is used today across the world as a large socialRead MoreThe Internet And Its Effect On Society1852 Words   |  8 Pagesthousands more will â€Å"like† an Instagram photo†¦and that’s if they read very quickly (Marrouat). Today, many people use the Internet for everything. The internet has many benefits, anyone that has a computer with internet can find any information and can even add to it. That’s why the Internet is known as the collected knowledge of millions of people. The most popular tool of the Internet though, is its way for socialization. Socialization is referring to the way people communicate and how they do it. ThereRead MoreThe Internet And Its Effect On Society1371 Words   |  6 PagesThe introduction of the Internet to society resulted in the opportunity for people to produce, consume and share creative content. This culture of online production and consumption is bound to copyright and fair use laws. While these laws have the capacity to protect an individual’s ownership of intellectual property and creative content, they are not conducive to a vibrant culture of creativity. The Internet and its evolution of search engine engagement has cultivated an online community that can

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